What a difference colour makes to chrome

Jul 13, 2015

What a difference colour makes to chrome

13th Jul 2015

Although as a business we are inextricably linked to the automotive world, it still seems remarkable what a difference the change in colour of a car can make to the assumptions we make about it. Looking at all the vehicles we injection mould and chrome plate plastic components for, a recent photograph really jumped out and attracted a lot of positive comments.

Traditionally seen in perhaps more muted colours, which do not necessarily show off the chrome to its best, the stunning shade of red used here is the perfect counterfoil to the shine only chrome can add to a car.

Supplying components to be part of some of the world’s leading cars is gratifying, but working up close with the detailing, sometimes means we don’t step back and appreciate the bigger picture. On seeing this car in the flesh as it were, it stopped me dead in my tracks and for once it wasn’t the chrome that took my eye, but the entire image.

Instead of mental images of refined individuals wafting around big cities in the lap of luxury, my opinion of the marque was changed in an instant; now I saw younger sporting types power sliding round Brooklands, like the racers of a bygone era.

And of course, the chrome plated components of which we are so proud, are the finishing touches that maintain the luxury status, on what is now perhaps a sporting icon, with the contrast levels reaching new heights.

Our ability to achieve the required exacting quality levels when chrome plating moulded plastic components, never ceases to amaze me and the team here at Borough. However, our desire to succeed is matched by the automotive industries desire to use more chrome-plated plastic as it seeks greater durability and weight saving to help increase performance.

For many of the interior plated components we produce, satin chrome is becoming ever more popular, helping to cut reflections in the cockpit. But for exterior parts, across manufacturers large and small, it is still noble chrome (bright) that delivers the finish car designers are seeking.

We did think of cropping the photos to reveal just edges of the chrome and bits of the car to see who could identify the model, but in the end decided to show it in all its glory – we hope you enjoy seeing this different and more colourful side of the ‘Flying Lady’.